Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Step 2: Complete!

Just a quick post to let you know that I've moved to Step 3 on my way to making one million pounds. After eBay and PayPal fees I was left with £38.06 from the sale of the three books I purchased at the start of Step 2. A really great result - better than I had hoped for.

Now I've got to think about turning £38.06 into £76.12!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Step 2: Future Steps to Make a Million

The items I've listed on eBay are doing really well. So far I've doubled my money, but I'm hoping to do a bit better than this. I'd like to start Step 3 with £30.

I've been thinking about future steps again. Lots of other doublers seem to be attempting to use their doubling blogs as a way of generating income. This would seem like a sensible move, and one that I'm going to look into in more detail later. In addition, I'm also going to look into the possibility of setting up some blogs on other topics in order to generate some extra income.

Looking forward to starting Step 3 of the Make a Million Project. Let's hope my eBay buyers pay promptly!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Step 2: Another £1.08 spent.

Just a quick update. With my remaining £1.18 from Step 1 of the Make a Million Project, I decided to buy 4 2nd class stamps (leaving change of 10p). I think I've come up with a way of making a profit from my Knightmare boardgame. The stamps will be required. I'll post about this again later, but it might take a while to get things moving.

I've also been thinking about future steps. I think I can probably continue selling items on eBay up until the steps reach £200 or £300, but after that, I'm going to struggle if I just stick to the same method. At the moment, I'm in my comfort zone. I'm going to have to step out of it if I want to really progress with this challenge.